Last Updated: August 05, 2010

What is an Alternatives Analysis?
The current study activity includes the completion of an Alternatives Analysis (AA). The AA will provide the details of why a particular alternative is selected for advancement through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding process. Completion and approval of both the Alternatives Analysis and the environmental documents are required if federal funds are to be used for any stage of project development.

There are three key components for defining alternatives:

  • Alignment: Preliminary analysis of conceptual alternatives identified the Hoosier Heritage Port Authority (HHPA) Railroad right-of-way for all of the build alternatives. The northernmost point of the study area is downtown Noblesville. The actual northern termination point for the initial system will be determined during this study. At the southern end, all alternatives will terminate at Union Station in downtown Indianapolis.
  • Service: A range of schedules, areas served, service options, frequency of service, etc., will be evaluated to identify the transit service strategy that best meets project goals and objectives. Service frequency, vehicle capacity, station locations and route terminals will be further refined and finalized as more information becomes available on travel patterns and other corridor characteristics during the AA process.
  • Vehicle: There are three types of transit vehicles being considered along this alignment – commuter rail, light rail and bus rapid transit.

Click here to read more about the alternatives being considered in the Northeast Corridor.

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